Step 1

Sign up at Microsoft Learn Platform>

When signing up, make sure your Display name is set to your SLIIT ID Number

(Example: IT18071412). Any other display names will be invalid for the competition.

Step 2

If you have joined the challenge, you can now register to the competition.

Step 3

Start the Cloud Skills Challenge by clicking “Join the Challenge” Button by visiting this link.

That's it! All you go to do is to keep completing modules to earn points and try to stay on the top of the Leader Board.




1. How do I change my Display Name?

You can edit your Display Name on the Edit Your Profile Page.> Make sure that your Display Name is your SLIIT ID number. Any other display names will be invalid for the competition.

2. How do I find my MS Learn Profile URL ?

While signed in, go to My Profile Page.

The URL which appears is your MS Learn Profile URL.

Example :